Revitalize Your Scalp with PRP Therapy

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We almost all desire a healthy head of hair. However, factors like genetics, stress, and age can cause thinning hair or bald spots on the scalp. While many over-the-counter treatments claim to promote hair growth, not all of them work on conditions like alopecia areata. Dr. Matthew Kohler may recommend platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections as a hair loss treatment in New York City, NY. 

So, what is PRP therapy, and how can it help revitalize your scalp? Call Ospina Medical to book a consultation and learn how it works. Our experienced team provides guidance so patients can make educated decisions about their hair care. 

What is alopecia areata? 

Alopecia areata is more common than you may think. This autoimmune disorder causes hair loss in the form of round patches on the scalp. It happens when the immune system attacks the follicles, causing them to stop producing hair. The condition can also affect other areas of the body with hair. 

The main cause of alopecia areata is unknown, but many experts believe it's a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. Some common triggers include stress and hormonal changes. Unfortunately, there is no way to cure alopecia areata, but PRP therapy can help promote hair growth in affected areas. 

What is PRP therapy? 

So, what is PRP therapy? This nonsurgical treatment uses a concentration of platelets and growth factors from blood to stimulate hair regrowth . This process has been used for decades in regenerative medicine to promote natural healing and tissue repair. In recent years, it has gained popularity as a method for promoting hair growth. 

During the procedure, Dr. Kohler draws a small amount of blood from your arm and spins it in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components. The resulting serum is then injected into areas with thinning hair or bald patches. Platelet-rich plasma injections in New York City, NY are safe, minimally invasive, and carry little risk since the components come from your body. 

How does PRP therapy help with alopecia areata? 

The growth factors in the platelet-rich plasma improve blood flow to the scalp, nourishing the follicles and promoting their growth phase. This can lead to thicker, healthier hair over time. Plus, PRP therapy can also help reduce inflammation associated with alopecia areata. 

Are platelet-rich plasma injections permanent? 

PRP therapy is not considered an indefinite hair loss treatment for alopecia areata or related concerns. However, with regular maintenance sessions, patients can see long-lasting results and improved scalp health. At Ospina Medical, we recommend attending maintenance appointments roughly every 12 – 18 months to keep outcomes for as long as possible. 

Additionally, patients should understand that PRP doesn't grow new follicles but instead stimulates existing follicles to produce stronger hair. This means that results vary from person to person and may not be as effective for those with advanced cases of alopecia areata. Rest assured that Dr. Kohler will discuss your expectations and potential outcomes during your consultation. 

Book your hair loss treatment now and revitalize your scalp 

Platelet-rich plasma injections show promising results for those with alopecia areata. If you're looking for a safe, nonsurgical option to revitalize your scalp and combat thinning hair or bald patches, call Ospina Medical in New York City, NY today. Dr. Matthew Kohler is dedicated to helping you achieve healthy, beautiful hair through personalized treatment plans.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.