Healing Hands: Chiropractic Manipulation for Alleviating Back Pain
Chiropractic Treatment: What Does it Entail?
Chiropractic care, particularly for back pain, often includes manual manipulation, rehabilitation exercises, and self-care advice from a qualified chiropractor equipped to handle a range of conditions. During a typical session, the chiropractor uses their hands or specific tools to exert controlled, sudden force on a joint to enhance spinal motion. Techniques like trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and massage are often employed to alleviate spinal tension contributing to back pain. Furthermore, chiropractors may recommend beneficial changes to exercise, diet, and sleeping habits as part of their comprehensive strategy to manage back pain effectively.
Is Chiropractic Care the Right Choice for You?
Chiropractic manipulation has proven effective in reducing pain and enhancing function in patients with acute low back pain. Additionally, it can be a viable treatment for chronic back pain resulting from conditions like herniated discs. As chiropractic care is highly individualized, the benefits can vary substantially depending on the patient and their specific condition. However, certain individuals, such as those with severe osteoporosis, spinal cancer, an increased risk of stroke, or a known bone abnormality in the neck, should avoid chiropractic treatments.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic manipulation provides a conservative treatment alternative for patients wishing to avoid invasive procedures or reduce their dependency on pain medications. A 2018 study involving 750 patients highlighted that those who supplemented conventional care (like medications and physical therapy) with chiropractic treatments reported lower pain intensity, improved functionality, and reduced reliance on pain medication. Furthermore, chiropractic procedures can alleviate muscle tension in the lower back, leading to enhanced flexibility and posture, better athletic performance, and potentially reduced disease risk due to less stress on the immune system.
Understanding the Risks
While chiropractic care can offer numerous benefits, it's essential to recognize potential risks. Some patients may experience muscular soreness for about 24 hours post spinal manipulation, while others may encounter fatigue or headaches, especially if specific parts of the spine were treated. More severe, albeit rare, complications include developing or exacerbating a herniated disc, or compressing nerves in the lower spinal cord. It's crucial to ensure treatments are performed by well-trained, licensed practitioners to minimize these risks.
Chiropractic Care at Ospina Medical
At Ospina Medical, our commitment is to help patients embark on a transformative journey towards effective pain management. Consultation with Dr. Kohler can help determine if chiropractic care fits into your personalized treatment plan. It's our priority to help you understand your condition, provide comprehensive treatment options, and empower you to live a life with less pain.
Written By: Ashley Knebel
Edited By: Camden Rowe